Author Archives: admin
Seminary Course
Seminary Course
So you have heard the call, and you know God wants you to be a pastor, now what? If you are serious about becoming a Licensed Minister, Worship Leader, Sunday School Teacher or even an Ordained Pastor, Water of Life is proud to announce our Seminary Course. Here you will learn what is required to becoming a licensed minister. Each course takes 1 month to complete. At the end of the course will be a test. You must pass each course test before moving on to the next course. Classes are starting up soon.
HOSTED BY: Senior Pastor Fernie Tongco and Associate Pastor Phil Tongco
Prayer Team
Saturday Morning Prayer
Every Saturday Morning we kick off the Prayer Meeting with coffee and donuts. You are more than welcome to bring something if you like. After the coffee we have a time of worship and praise, then straight into prayer. Senior Pastor Fernie Tongco leads this prayer team and you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy it. Beginners are truly welcome. Come help us pray for our congregation, our nation, our friends and yes even our enemies. Learn how to battle the real enemy with powerful prayer. Prayer Warriors Wanted.
HOSTED BY: Senior Pastor Fernie and Angela Tongco
Bible Study
Friday Night Bible Study
Every Friday night we kick off Bible Study with a light dinner. You are more than welcome to bring something if you like. After dinner we have a time of worship and praise, then straight into God’s word. Pastor Phil leads this study and you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy it. Beginners are truly welcome.
HOSTED BY: Associate Pastor Phil and Jephelynn Tongco
Seventh Sunday
Time For Fellowship, Food and Fun Continue Reading →
Beach Service
A Time of Worship and Fellowship Continue Reading →
Youth Adventures
Get Ready For Another Great Adventure Continue Reading →